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Archive - 2009

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December 23rd

The Beauty of Islamic Collections Exhibition, Muzium Negara

Banner Pameran Keindahan Koleksi Islam, Muzium Negara
Exhibition date: 18th December 2009 - 14th February 2010
Venue: Muzium Negara
The Islamic World has contributed towards various aspects of human civilization such as medicine, architecture, literature, astronomy and others, including the arts. As a result of Islamic expansion around the world, the assimilation between the local culture, which is built on command and obedience to the Maker has colored one of the creative cultural fields including artifacts.
In conjunction with this year’s Capital of Islamic Culture programme, in which Kuala Lumpur has been selected as the host city by the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), the Department of Museums Malaysia has taken the opportunity to hold this special exhibition called: “The Beauty of Islamic Collections” to be held at the National Museum, which will showcase the uniqueness of art and creativity based on Islamic values.
As many as 70 unique collections of Malaysian antique and contemporary artifacts, which are currently kept throughout the country, are displayed. This exhibition shows the uniqueness of art artifacts in the fields of architecture, music, ceramics, domestic tools, religion, engravings, weaponry and history. This valuable collection, by virtue of its selection, best represents this country and her relationship with other Islamic communities from around the world. The uniqueness of these art creations, which are founded on faith, reflects the positive attitude that is demanded by Islam such as harmony, bravery, gentleness, courtesy, truth and order, qada’ and qadar (providence), happiness, morals and others.

Pameran Keindahan Koleksi Islam, Muzium Negara

Banner Pameran Keindahan Koleksi Islam, Muzium Negara
Tarikh pameran: 18 Disember 2009 - 14 Februari 2010
Tempat: Muzium Negara
Dunia Islam menyumbangkan pelbagai aspek dalam ketamadunan manusia seperti perubatan, senibina, kesusasteraan, astronomi dan sebagainya termasuk kesenian. Hasil pengembangan agama Islam ke seluruh dunia, maka asimilasi antara kebudayaan tempatan yang diadun dengan perintah dan ketaatan kepada penciptaNya telah mewarnai salah satu bidang penciptaan budaya material termasuk artifak-artifak.
Sempena program sambutan Bandar Kebudayaan Islam pada tahun ini (As A Capital of Islamic Culture) di mana Kuala Lumpur telah dipilih sebagai tuan rumah oleh “Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation” - (ISESCO), maka Jabatan Muzium Malaysia mengambil peluang mengadakan pameran khas bertajuk “Keindahan Koleksi Islam” di Muzium Negara untuk memperlihatkan keunikan kesenian dan kreativiti bersandarkan nilai-nilai keislaman.
Sebanyak 70 koleksi unik yang dimiliki oleh negara ini dan kini disimpan di seluruh negara dipamerkan, merangkumi artifak antik dan kontemporari. Keseluruhan pameran ini memperlihatkan keunikan kesenian artifak dalam bidang senibina, muzik, seramik, alat domestik, keagamaan, ukiran, persenjataan dan sejarah.
Pengumpulan koleksi bernilai ini merupakan artifak yang secara terpilih mewakili masyarakat negara ini dan hubungannya dengan masyarakat Islam lainnya di seluruh dunia. Keunikan kesenian ciptaan manusia yang bersendikan keimanan ini menggambarkan sikap positif yang dituntut oleh agama Islam seperti keharmonian, keberanian, kelembutan, adab dan sopan, kebenaran dan peraturan, qada’ dan qadar, kegembiraan, moral dan sebagainya.

December 9th

Hari Keluarga JMM 2009

Banner Pameran Pameran Magis Belantara Herba Orang Asli
Tarikh: 13 Disember 2009 (Ahad)

Tempat: Agrotek Garden Resort, Hulu langat Selangor

Pendaftaran: 7.30 pagi - 8.00 pagi

- Senam seni
- Sukaneka
- Pertandingan Karaoke
- Sukan Air
- Cabutan Bertuah

"Seluruh warga JMM dijemput hadir"


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