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Sistem Perpustakaan VTLS
Sistem Pengurusan Aset JMM
Sistem Foto JMM

Clients Charter

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We promise to provide efficient, quality and friendly service in the following tasks;

1. Conduct exhibitions and outreach activities in all museums under JMM to create awareness and educate the general public on the history, culture and nature of the country through;

  • Regular Exhibitions on an ongoing basis
  • Special/Temporary Exhibition at least 8 exhibitions per year
  • Outreach activities of at least 5 activities per year

2. Provide feedback to customer inquiries and complaints within the following time periods:

  • Acknowledgment of receipt within three (3) working days
  • Feedback not exceeding fourteen (14) working days from the date the complaint is received.

3. Provide the results of the application for a guided visit to the museum within the following time periods:

  • Letter / Email – answered within five (7) working days from the date the letter is received.
  • Phone / Short Message Service (SMS) – answered instantly

4. Ensure that feedback for research application i.e. approval / permission to conduct research is given within seven (7) working days from the date the application form is received.

5. To provide results on applications related to services offered by JMM, such as collection loans, conservation, photo, filming and space rental, within fourteen (14) working days from the date the application is received.

6. Ensure that feedback for cooperation applications involving exhibition activities is given within fourteen working days from the date the application is received. (An application for this purpose must be submitted at least eight (8) months before the proposed date. Whereas for overseas cooperation, the application must be submitted at least twelve (12) months before).

7. Ready to provide museum expertise (consultation) to agencies, institutions or individuals in need.

Last update: 25 July 2024 - 11:47pm

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