This documentary features the act of worshipping at the beach by the Mah Meri community in Kampung Sungai Judah, Carey Island, Banting. This tradition is held annually to acknowledge the Moyang Getah or Metah regarded as sacred.
This video documentation compile various artifacts and monument or regards to the reign of the Perak\s Sultanate history and the close relation with the local socio-culture along the Perak river. Available in English version only.
Dokumentari masyarakat Melayu Minangkabau dalam dunia Melayu digambarkan dengan keunikan senibina Rumah Gadang, keutuhan binaan masjid, kehalusan seni ukiran dan tenunan, kelembutan gerak tari, kepintaran menjana ekonomi dan identiti pakaian-pakaian adatnya. Terdapat dalam versi Melayu sahaja.