Perhimpunan bulan Julai 2008 Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan akan diadakan di Auditorium Jabatan Muzium Malaysia pada Selasa 8 Julai 2008 jam 8.30 pagi.
Aturcara majlis adalah seperti berikut:
7.45 pagi - Kehadiran Semua Pegawai kakitangan KPPKW
8.15 pagi - Ketibaan Ketua-ketua Jabatan/Agensi/Bahagian
8.25 pagi - Ketibaan Y.B Tuan Teng Boon Soon, Timbalan Menteri KPKKW
8.30 pagi - Ketibaan Y.B Y.B Dato' Seri Hj. Mohd Shafie Hj. Apdal, Menteri Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan
- Bacaan doa
- Nyayian Lagu Negaraku
- Nyanyian Lagu Perkhidmatan Awam
- Nyanyian Lagu Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita
- Nyanyian Lagu Budaya Membaca
8.40 pagi - Perutusan Y.B Menteri Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan
Date : 1 Jul 2008 - 31 Jul 2008
Location : Orang Asli Crafts Museum, Department of Museums Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
The Orang Asli or Aborigines are known for their arts and cultures. Their life is full of mystic and beliefs towards nature. Although some of them have been influenced by modernity, their arts and heritage remain intact. Among the crafts that they still preserve is carving of masks and sculptures as an activity during their leisure times and used for their ritual ceremonies.
The arts are in line with their belief, imagination and worldview on god and sprits. Their imagination can be seen through their carving which were given various names similar to nature such as land, rainbow, thunder, mind, sea and earth. The crafts of wood carving has received tremendous interests from anthropologists. Of all the eighteen tribes in this country, the Mahmeri and Jahut are the dominant ones especially in the area of wood carving of sculptures and masks.
Other activities during exhibitions: -
- Sewang Dance
- Traditional Orang Asli Cuisines
- Accessories
Technique on making the tree bark clothing, beads necklace, ‘selempar’ and ‘simpai’.
- Musical Instruments
Technique of making and playing an Orang
Asli musical instruments such as flute,
keranting, centong, rebab, ect
- Hunting Tools / Traditional healing
Technique on making fish traps, hatchet and various traps.
The use of herbs and plants as medicine
- Blowpipes
Technique on making blowpipes, dart quiver, darts & Ipoh poison.
How to use blowpipes
- Weaving
Technique on making mat, basket, tabacco box, etc.
Date : 01 Jul 2008 - 31 Jul 2008
Location: Gallery 2, Department of Museums Malaysia
The exhibition will highlight coconut grater and of its various shape and artistic value especially on the carving of the grater. The variety of shape and carving style are not only expressing the beauty of the art but as a testimony of creativity and technological advance of the community producing it. Symbolically, coconut grater holds a special place in any households, as this tool became a means of love between mother and child. Children used to wait for opportunities to sit behind their mothers while the mothers were busy grating the coconut. There is also a riddle in this that literally says “up on a horse, spread flowers”
The use of coconut grater has gone downhill following the invention of modern cooking utensils and as a result younger generations does not know of its existence, let alone on how to use it. It is hope that through this exhibition, it will take us down memory lane as well as giving the younger generation a glimpse of our heritage and appreciate such treasures.
Apart from exhibition, there will be demonstration on how to use coconut grater and various competition as well.